ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 10348 First edition 1993-02-01 Photography Processing wastes Determination of silver content Photographie - Effluents de traitement - Détermination de la teneur en argent Reference number ISO 10348:1993(E) ISO 10348:1993(E) Contents Page 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Principle 2 3.1 Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) methodology 2 3.2 Potentiometric titration (PT) methodology 2 4 Reliability 2 5 Safety and operational precautions 2 5.1 Hazard warnings 3 5.2 Hazard information code system 3 5.3 Safety precautions 3 5.4 Operational precautions 3 6 Reagents 4 7 Glassware 5 8 Sampling and sample pretreatment 5 8.1 Sampling and preservation 5 8.2 Sample size and pretreatment 6 9 Preparation of test sample 9.1 Cyanogen iodide (CNI) treatment 7 9.2 Concentration and digestion (Digestion A) 8 9.3 Vigorous digestion (Digestion B) 8 10 Analysis by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) 9 10.1 Special apparatus 9 10.2 Procedure 6 11 Analysis by potentiometric iodide titration (PT) 9 11.1 Special apparatus 10 ?ISO1993 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm,without per- mission in writing fromthepublisher. International OrganizationforStandardization CasePostale56·CH-1211Geneve20·Switzerland Printed in Switzerland ii ISO10348:1993(E) 11.2 Procedure 10 11.3 Calculations for titration methods 10 Annex A Preparation of reagent solutions 12 A.1 Preparation of cyanogen iodide solution (CNI) (DANGER: << S >> <B><C>) 12 A.2 Preparation of silver standard solutions (0,5 mg/l, 1,0 mg/l, 3,0 mg/l and 5,0 mg/l) for AAS method 12 A.3 Preparation of silver nitrate standard solutions (0,100 mol/l, 0,010 mol/l and 0,001 mol/l) for PT methods 13 A.4 Preparation of potassium iodide standard solutions (0,1 mol/l, 0,01 mol/l and 0,001 mol/l) 13 ili
ISO 10348 1993 Photography — Processing wastes — Determination of silver content
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